The settlement with still visible terraces and enclosed by a rampart is located on the position Kaptol-Gradci with one cemetery south to it. The other burial mound cemetery is located on the position Čemernica. Kaptol is one of the most important centres in the southern Carpathian basin during the Early Iron Age, located on the crossroads of communication networks with cultural influences coming from the eastern Alpine, Middle Danube and the Balkan area.
Communities living in the Požega valley were exceptionally active during the Early Iron Age ― from the 8th to 4th century BC. Požega Valley provided excellent living conditions and is positioned on a favourable geo-strategical location on the crossroads of communication routes that connected central Danube region and the south eastern Alps along the Sava and Drava River Basins. In the south, Požega valley was connected with the Balkan Peninsula. Archaeological research has shown that community in Kaptol lived on a hillfort settlement with terraces ― Kaptol-Gradci, and that they buried their distinguished members on two cemeteries ― Kaptol-Čemernica and Kaptol-Gradci, situated southwest and south of the settlement. Another complex site with two cemeteries with burial mounds and a hillfort settlement sophisticated fortifications and terraces was discovered only six kilometers away, at Kagovac. North of Kaptol and Kagovac, at an altitude of about 730 meters, another fortified settlement of Bangradac was discovered.